Upcoming IPO List

Company & IPO GMP
Shiv Texchem
Price: ₹ 166
GMP: ₹ 35 Oct 08-10
Est. Listing: ₹201 (21.08%)
open (sub: 3.79x)
Garuda Construction & Engineering
Price: ₹ 95
GMP: ₹ 5 Oct 08-10
Est. Listing: ₹100 (5.26%)
open (Sub: 1.95x)
Khyati Global Ventures
Price: ₹ 99
GMP: ₹ - Oct 04-08
Est. Listing: ₹99 (0.00%)
Closed (sub: 15.17x)
Neopolitian Pizza and Foods
Price: ₹ 20
GMP: ₹ - Sep 30-04
Est. Listing: ₹20 (0.00%)
Closed (sub: 32.72x)
CompanyIPO PriceIPO GMPEst. ListingStar RatingDate
Shiv Texchemopen₹166₹ 35₹201 (21.08%)★★★★Oct 08-10
Garuda Construction and Engineeringopen₹95₹ 5₹100 (5.26%)★★☆☆☆Oct 08-10
Khyati Global Ventures Closed₹99₹ - ₹99 (0.00%)☆☆☆☆Oct 04-08
Neopolitian Pizza and FoodsClosed₹20₹ - ₹20 (0.00%)☆☆☆☆Sep 30-04

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